Assignment Clinical Practice Experience Remediation 5th week

Students who are not making appropriate progress on their capstone project and receive an \”Unacceptable\” or \”Below Expectations\” on the CET will be required to complete remediation activities. Required remediation activities are listed on the \”NRS-493: Clinical Experience Remediation\” document.

The required activities must be submitted in LoudCloud upon their completion by the end of Topic 7. All required remediation activities will be reviewed and approved by the faculty.

NRS-493: Clinical Experience Remediation

Student Name:………………

Instructor:……………………. Preceptor:…………………


Clinical evaluations are submitted at the midterm conference and in the final week. Individualized remediation plans are a system of support to help students improve in the areas identified requiring improvement when performance is assessed against learning the learning objectives of the course.

Students who receive a “Below Expectations” or “Unacceptable” on any competency on the midterm evaluation will be required to complete a remediation plan with their preceptor and submit this remediation form.

*Students must meet all clinical expectations of the course, earn a passing grade on all benchmark assignments, and successfully complete remediation (if necessary) in order to receive a passing grade in the NRS-493 course.

■ Remediation must be completed prior to the end-date of Topic Competency areas in need of remediation:

■ My remediation plan (to be reviewed with faculty): Frequency

 Go to the CDC using the link below and read theAfter reading the
 Community Health Assessment and Health ImprovementsPrinciples to Consider for
 Plan page.the Implementation of a
 Click on the link Principles to Consider for theCommunity Health
 Implementation of a Community Health Needs AssessmentNeeds Assessment
 Process and read the pdf document. document.
 publichealthgateway/cha/Choose one of the seven
Needsplan.htmlPrinciples to Inform
Assessment Implementation of the
  Affordable Care Act’s
  Assessment Provisions
  discussing how your
  intervention speaks to
  that specific principle.
 Go to the National Association of County and City Health 
 Officials website and put community health assessment inSubmit a 500 word
 the search bar. Read the Community Health Assessmentsummary on how your
 and Planningproject will build
Community relationships
Client for health promotion
  based on the information
  you read.
 Click on the link below and review 
 the article Use of the North American 
 Nursing Diagnosis AssociationReview the tables in the
 taxonomies, Nursing Interventionarticle and create a nursing
 Classification, Nursing Outcomesdiagnosis with 5 nursing
 Classification and NANDA- NIC-NOCinterventions for your
Nursing InterventionLinkage in Cardiac Rehabilitation.change the proposal topic.
  Submit the nursing
  diagnosis and nursing
  interventions after reviewing
  them with your preceptor.
           Measurable OutcomesClick on the permalink below and read the article Exploring School Nurse Interventions and Health and Education Outcomes: An Integrative Review login?url=https:// login.aspx? direct=true&db=eric vAN=EJ 1166558&site=eds-live&scope=site       Submit a 500 word summary of the article and how you will measure the intended outcomes for the change proposal.
    Safety and EthicsRead the six standards of practice on the American Nurses Association website and identify one standard for a self-improvement planSubmit a 500 word summary of the standard that you selected and your improvement plan.
    Accountability and Dependability    Identify the impact of nurses calling off to patient care.Submit a minimum of (2) research articles on the impact of call offs to patient care and a 500 word summary on how nurses calling off can negatively impact patientcare.
     Research /QualitySelect two items from the American Nurses Association Research Tool Kit and identify how these tools help nurses read and apply evidence to nursing practice.Submit a 500 word summary discussing two of the tools from the American Nurses Association Research Tool Kit and how they will help you apply evidence to your evidence based intervention.
       Communication and CollaborationRead the article by following the permalink below: login?url=https:// login.aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=11 8680229&site=eds- live&scope=site  After reading the article summarize who you will engage in interprofessional collaboration in relation to your intervention and desired outcomes.
     Leadership Reflection  Select (3) of the (10) servant leadership principles and apply them to the clinical setting.Submit a 500 word summary on the three principles you selected and how you will display them in the clinical setting. Use two peer reviewed references to support your thoughts.