Assignment Nursing In The Community Local Regional And National

Your local health care official has asked you to prepare a paper of 5–7 pages, excluding the title and reference pages, about a policy that will improve the health of the community. Complete the following:

  • Review a situation in your local community, region, or state that you would like to see changed.
  • Develop a policy that would lead to the change.
  • Justify the development of this policy.

Support your policy with at least 2 scholarly articles published within the last 5 years. Create a document of 5–7 pages, excluding the title and reference pages, following the APA Expectations document for the College of Nursing.

Please click into this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided) – not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project(IP) Grading rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project grading rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component for the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

Describes a perceived community problem that can be impacted by a policy change. (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly describes a perceived community problem that can be impacted by a policy change. (31-35 points) Clarity is lacking in describing a perceived community problem that can be impacted by a policy change. (28-30 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: Describes a perceived community problem that can be impacted by a policy change. (25-27 points) More than one criteria is not addressed: Describes a perceived community problem that can be impacted by a policy change. (24 points or less)

States and discusses the policy recommendation to address the identified problem. (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly states and discusses the policy recommendation to address the identified problem. (31-35 points) Clarity is lacking when stating and discussing the policy recommendation to address the identified problem. (28-30 points) 

One of the criteria is not addressed: States and discusses the policy recommendation to address the identified problem. (25-27 points) More than one of the criteria is not addressed: States and discusses the policy recommendation to address the identified problem. (24 points or less)

Describes and discusses stakeholders that would be affected by the policy recommendation. (Max 35 points) 20% Clearly describes and discusses stakeholders that would be affected by the policy recommendation. (31-35 points) Clarity is lacking in the description and discussion of stakeholders that would be affected by the policy recommendation. (28-30 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: Describes and discusses stakeholders that would be affected by the policy recommendation. (25-27 points) More than one criteria is not addressed: Describes and discusses stakeholders that would be affected by the policy recommendation. (24 points or less)

Describes the feasibility and possible projected costs of the policy recommendation. (Max 43.75 points) 25% Clearly describes the feasibility and possible projected costs of the policy recommendation. (39-43.75 points) Clarity is lacking in the description of the feasibility and possible projected costs of the policy recommendation. (35-38 points) One of the criteria is not addressed: the feasibility and possible projected costs of the policy recommendation. (31-34 points) More than one of the criteria is not addressed: the feasibility and possible projected costs of the policy recommendation. (30 points or less)

Spelling, Grammar, APA format; 5-7 pages excluding title page and reference page. (Max 26.25 points) 15% No spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 2 errors in APA formatting. (23-26.25 points) 1-2 spelling or grammatical errors. Less than 4 errors in APA formatting. (21-22 points) 4-5 spelling or grammatical errors. 4-6 errors in APA formatting. (19-20 points) More than 5 spelling or grammatical errors. More than 6 errors in APA formatting. (18 points or less) 100% Total score: 0