EPIDEMIOLOGY Homework Week 9

  1. What is the case?
  2. What is a sentinel event?
  3. What is an ‘index’ case?
  4. What is the definition of epidemiology?
  5. Define crude rates?
  6. Distinguish between incidence and prevalence.
  7. Define attack rate.
  8. What is the ‘population at risk’?
  9. Distinguish among epidemic, endemic, and pandemic.

In an epidemic in Syck City (population 100,000 – 60,000 males and 40,000 females), there were 600 cases (350 males, 250 females) of a severe disease. (Some called it a new venereal disease.) There were 70 deaths (all males) resulting from this disease and 880 deaths resulting from causes other than the specific disease. Calculate the following 

  • crude death rate
  • cause-specific mortality rate 
  • case fatality rate 
  • cause-specific morbidity rate for females 
  • case fatality rate for males 
  • case fatality rate for females. Show all work. Circle your answers.

There are 346 students at Hillside School. During February and March, 56 pupils were absent with chickenpox. What is the attack rate for chickenpox at Hillside School? The 56 pupils who were absent had 88 brothers and sisters at home. Of the 88 siblings, 19 developed chickenpox. What was the attack rate among these children? Of the 75 total cases of chickenpox, one child died. Calculate the case fatality rate for chickenpox in this epidemic. (Show your work)