Evidence Appraisal Tool Research DQ
Select two peer-reviewed articles with content that supports the DNP project area of inquiry. The articles must reflect a quantitative study or a qualitative study or a mixed-methods article. The two articles selected cannot reflect the same research design.
- Download the JHNEBP Research Evidence Appraisal Tool.
Critique the evidence by completing the sections in the Research Evidence Appraisal Tool for a quantitative and/or qualitative and/or mixed-methods study.
Select to review, should support my DNP project ideas. download the document and submit two versions – one for the quantitative article and one for the qualitative article. skip the sections on meta-analysis or systematic reviews. If one of your articles is a mixed-method article, then you will fill out both quantitative and qualitative sections in one form.
My area of inquiry would be evidence-based practice in minimizing the risks of nurses’ exposure to infectious diseases in an outpatient setting. Please you need to Identify EBP questions in a narrative form that relates to topic and articles.
Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Appendix E Research Evidence Appraisal Tool Evidence level and quality rating: Article title: Number: Author(s):
Publication date: Journal: Setting: Sample (composition and size): Does this evidence address my EBP question? Yes No-Do not proceed with appraisal of this evidence.
Is this study: QuaNtitative (collection, analysis, and reporting of numerical data)
Measurable data (how many; how much; or how often) used to formulate facts, uncover patterns in research, and generalize results from a larger sample population; provides observed effects of a program, problem, or condition, measured precisely, rather than through researcher interpretation of data. Common methods are surveys, face-to-face structured interviews, observations, and reviews of records or documents. Statistical tests are used in data analysis.
Go to Section I: QuaNtitative QuaLitative (collection, analysis, and reporting of narrative data) Rich narrative documents are used for uncovering themes; describing a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it. Common methods are focus groups, individual interviews (unstructured or semi structured), and participation/observations. Sample sizes are small and are determined when data saturation is achieved.
Data saturation is reached when the researcher identifies that no new themes emerge and redundancy is occurring. Synthesis is used in data analysis. Often a starting point for studies when little research exists; may use results to design empirical studies. The researcher describes, analyzes, and interprets reports, descriptions, and observations from participants. Go to Section II: QuaLitative Mixed methods (results reported both numerically and narratively)
Both qualitative and quaLitative methods are used in the study design. Using both approaches, in combination, provides a better understanding of research problems than using either approach alone. Sample sizes vary based on methods used. Data collection involves collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data in a single study or series of studies. Interpretation is continual and can influence stages in the research process. Go to Section III: Mixed Methods
The Johns Hopkins Hospital/ Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing 1 Johns
Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Appendix E Research Evidence Appraisal Tool Section I : QuaNtitative Level of Evidence (Study Design) A Is this a report of a single research study? Yes No Go to B 1. Was there manipulation of an independent variable? Yes No 2. Was there a control group? Yes No 3. Were study participants randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups?
Yes No If Yes to questions 1, 2, and 3, this is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or experimental study. If Yes to questions 1 and 2 and No to question 3 or Yes to question 1 and No to questions 2 and 3, this is quasi-experimental. (Some degree of investigator control, some manipulation of an independent variable, lacks random assignment to groups, and may have a control group). If No to questions 1, 2, and 3, this is nonexperimental.
(No manipulation of independent variables; can be descriptive, comparative, or correlational; often uses secondary data). LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III Study Findings That Help Answer the EBP Question Skip to the Appraisal of QuaNtitative Research
Studies section
The Johns Hopkins Hospital/ Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing 2 Johns
Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Appendix E Research Evidence Appraisal Tool Section I: QuaNtitative (continued) B Is this a summary of multiple sources of research evidence? 1. Does it employ a comprehensive search strategy and rigorous appraisal method? If this study includes research, nonresearch, and experiential evidence, it is an integrative review (see Appendix F). Yes No Yes No Continue Continue Use Appendix F Use Appendix F 2. For systematic reviews and systematic reviews with meta-analysis (see descriptions below): a. Are all studies included RCTs? LEVEL I b.
Are the studies a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental, or quasi-experimental only? LEVEL II c. Are the studies a combination of RCTs, quasi-experimental, and nonexperimental, or non- experimental only? LEVEL III A systematic review employs a search strategy and a rigorous appraisal method, but does not generate an effect size.
A meta-analysis, or systematic review with meta-analysis, combines and analyzes results from studies to generate a new statistic: the effect size. Study Findings That
Help Answer the EBP Question Skip to the Appraisal of Systematic Review (With or Without a Meta-Analysis) section
The Johns Hopkins Hospital/ Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing 3 Johns
Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Appendix E Research Evidence Appraisal Tool
Appraisal of QuaNtitative Research Studies Does the researcher identify what is known and not known about the problem and how the study will address any gaps in knowledge? Yes No Was the purpose of the study clearly presented?
Yes No Was the literature review current (most sources within the past five years or a seminal study)? Yes No Was sample size sufficient based on study design and rationale? Yes No If there is a control group:
Were the characteristics and/or demographics similar in both the control and intervention groups? Yes No N/A • If multiple settings were used, were the settings similar? Yes No N/A • Were all groups equally treated except for the intervention group(s)? Yes No N/A Are data collection methods described clearly? Yes No Were the instruments reliable (Cronbach’s α[alpha] > 0.70)? ✔ Yes No N/A Was instrument validity discussed?
Yes No N/A If surveys or questionnaires were used, was the response rate > 25%? Yes No N/A Were the results presented clearly? Yes No If tables were presented, was the narrative consistent with the table content? Yes No Were study limitations identified and addressed? Yes
No Were conclusions based on results? Yes No N/A Complete the Quality Rating for