HA 3003 Biopsychosocial Factors Assessment

Review the details of your assessment including the rubric. You will have the ability to submit the assessment once you submit your required pre-assessments and engage with your Faculty Subject Matter Expert (SME) in a substantive way about the competency.


For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a presentation in which you describe how you will manage a case involving biopsychosocial factors.

Submission Length: 10-slide PowerPoint presentation with audio narration on each slide (excluding the reference slide)


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

■ Be sure to adhere to the indicated assignment length.

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

This Assessment requires submission of one file, a PowerPoint presentation with narration on each slide. Save your template as HA3003_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HA3003_J_Smith), and save in the .pptx format.When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the Turnitin.com site.

Biopsychosocial Factors

Your unit is creating some in-house professional development, and you have been asked to contribute to the presentation. Several scenarios have been gleaned from past cases (changing identifiable information to protect patients), and you are responsible for presenting information about how your assigned case should be managed.

Your section of the PowerPoint presentation should be 10 slides long and should include narration on each slide (excluding the reference slide). Your file should be saved in .pptx format.

Scenario: At the insistence of his mother, 13-year old Michael is seeing his pediatrician to check a painful wrist injury that is making it difficult for him to complete schoolwork and participate in other activities. Michael is a Latino teenager who lives in a low socioeconomic and urban neighborhood. Michael had seen this doctor three months earlier to treat a sinus infection. Since then, he has lost a significant amount of weight.

He also appears decidedly more disheveled and sloppily dressed compared to his earlier appointment. As you update his health history, he appears to be sullen and even hostile when replying to your questions. Michael is dismissive of his wrist pain and complains that his mother is making a big deal out of nothing.

You also notice that Michael’s mother has extensive bruising on her lower arms. While Michael’s wrist problem brought him into the office, you are aware that biopsychosocial factors may be impacting his health and well-being—and that a biopsychosocial history is as important as a physical exam.

Respond to the questions below from your perspective as the nurse providing care for this patient. Support your thoughts and ideas with appropriate citations from scholarly references.

Use the following to guide you in preparing your presentation: 

Slide 1: Introduce the scenario

■ Your slide should include a copy of the full scenario, and the audio narration should highlight the important details.

Slides 2–3: Explain how the Home environment, Education and employment, Eating, peer-related Activities, Drugs, Sexuality, Suicide/depression, and Safety (HEEADSSS) method of interviewing may help to identify biopsychosocial factors to help explain

Michael’s health and well-being. Consider including a bullet list on the slide with an explanation in the audio narration.

Slide 4: Using biopsychosocial factors, write two (2) questions that you would ask an adolescent patient suspected of drug or alcohol abuse. Within your audio narration, provide a rationale for each question.

Slide 5: Describe one screening instrument that you might use to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse. Within your audio narration, justify the use of this screening instrument in this situation.

Slide 6: Using biopsychosocial factors, create two questions for an adolescent patient suspected of experiencing domestic violence. Within your audio narration, provide a rationale for each question.

Slide 7: Explain how a biopsychosocial history helps to support a physical exam for a patient’s health. Be sure to include additional details in audio narration.

Slide 8: Explain the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the social determinants of health. Be sure to include additional details in audio narration.

Slide 9: Describe two social determinants of health that are associated with the neighborhood and the built environment and relate to Michael’s health history and physical exam. In your audio narration, explain one way that these determinants of

health might impact the ability to access, promote, or maintain health and well-being for each.

Slide 10: Reference List

■ Support your responses with scholarly resources

The following resources can help support you in creating your PowerPoint presentation and adding audio narration:

■ Microsoft. (n.d.). Add and record audio.

https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/video-add-and-record-audio-eeac1757- 5f20-4379-95f2-0d0cd151d5b8

■ Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). Microsoft PowerPoint. https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/academic-skills-center/skills/ms-office/powe rpoint

HA3003: Biopsychosocial Factors: Analyze the impact of biopsychosocial factors on a patient while conducting a comprehensive health history.

Assessment Rubric

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Module 1: Biopsychosocial Factors

Introduce the scenario: Your slide should include a copy of the full scenario, and the audio narration should highlight the important details.

Learning Objective 1.1: Describe a scenario related to patient biopsychosocial factors. Presentation does not adequately introduce the scenario or does not include important details in the audio narration.

Presentation adequately introduces the scenario and includes audio narration with the important details.

Presentation introduces the scenario and does an exceptional job of describing the important details in the audio narration.

Explain how the HEEADSSS method of interviewing may help to identify biopsychosocial factors to help explain a patient’s health and well-being.

Learning Objective 1.2: Explain how the HEEADSSS assessment helps in identifying biopsychosocial factors

Presentation does not adequately explain how the HEEADSSS method of interviewing may help to identify biopsychosocial factors to help to explain a patient’s health and well-being.

Presentation adequately explains how the HEEADSSS method of interviewing may help to identify biopsychosocial factors to help to explain a patient’s health and well-being.

Presentation thoughtfully and completely explains how the HEEADSSS method of interviewing may help to identify biopsychosocial factors to help to explain a patient’s heal Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations impacting health and well-being.Write two questions that you would ask an adolescent patient suspected of drug or alcohol abuse.

Learning Objective 1.3: Create screening questions appropriate for suspected adolescent substance abuse.

Presentation does not include two adequate questions that you would ask an adolescent patient suspected of drug or alcohol abuse.

Presentation includes two adequate questions that you would ask an adolescent patient suspected of drug or alcohol abuse.

Presentation includes two thoughtful and comprehensive questions that you would ask an adolescent patient suspected of drug or alcohol abuse.

In the audio narration, provide a rationale for screening questions used while conducting a health history.

Learning Objective 1.4: Justify the use of specific screening questions when conducting a health history.

Presentation does not include adequate justification for the screening questions used while conducting a health history.

Presentation includes adequate justification for the screening questions used while conducting a health history.Presentation includes comprehensive justification for the screening questions used while conducting a health history.

Describe one screening instrument that you might use to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse.

Learning Objective 1.5: Describe screening

Presentation does not adequately describe one screening instrument that you might use to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse.

Presentation adequately describes one screening instrument that you might use to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse.

Presentation thoroughly describes one screening instrument that you might use to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse.

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Instruments for adolescent alcohol abuse.

Within your audio narration, justify the use of a specific screening instrument for adolescent alcohol abuse.

Learning Objective 1.6: Defend the choice of screening instruments to help identify adolescent alcohol abuse.

Presentation audio narration does not adequately justify the use of a specific screening instrument for adolescent alcohol abuse.

Presentation audio narration adequately justifies the use of a specific screening instrument for adolescent alcohol abuse.

Presentation audio narration comprehensively justifies the use of a specific screening instrument for adolescent alcohol abuse.

Using biopsychosocial factors, create two (2) questions for an adolescent patient

suspected of experiencing domestic violence.

Learning Objective 1.7: Create screening questions for suspected adolescent domestic violence.

Presentation does not include two adequate questions for an adolescent patient suspected of experiencing domestic violence based on biopsychosocial factors.

Presentation includes two adequate questions for an adolescent patient suspected of experiencing domestic violence based on biopsychosocial factors.

Presentation includes two thoughtful and comprehensive questions for an adolescent patient suspected of experiencing domestic violence based on biopsychosocial factors. Within your audio narration, provide a rationale for screening questions used in conducting a health history.

Presentation audio narration does not provide an adequate rationale for screening questions used in conducting a health history.

Presentation audio narration provides an adequate rationale for screening questions used in conducting a health history.

Presentation audio narration provides a comprehensive rationale for screening questions used in conducting a health history.

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Learning Objective 1.8: Justify the use of specific screening questions when conducting a health history.

Explain how a biopsychosocial history helps support a physical exam for a patient’s health (including additional detail in the audio narration)

Learning Objective 1.9: Analyze how a biopsychosocial history contributes to a patient’s health.

Presentation and/or audio narration does not adequately explain how a biopsychosocial history helps support a physical exam for a patient’s health.

Presentation and audio narration adequately explain how a biopsychosocial history helps support a physical exam for a patient’s health.

Presentation and audio narration thoroughly explain how a biopsychosocial history helps support a physical exam for a patient’s health. Module 2: Social Determinants of Health

Explain the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the social determinants of health (including additional detail in the audio narration).

Learning Objective 2.1: Analyze the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and social determinants of health.

Presentation and/or audio narration does not adequately explain the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the social determinants of health.

Presentation and audio narration adequately explain the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the social determinants of health.

Presentation and audio narration thoroughly explain the relationship between biopsychosocial factors and the social determinants.

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Describe two social determinants of health related to the neighborhood and built environment for a patient’s health history and physical exam.

Learning Objective 2.2: Analyze the impact of social determinants of health for a health history and physical exam.

Presentation does not adequately describe two social determinants of health related to the neighborhood and built environment for a patient’s health history and physical exam.

Presentation adequately describes two social determinants of health related to the neighborhood and built environment for a patient’s health history and physical exam. Presentation thoroughly describes two social determinants of health related to the neighborhood and built environment for a patient’s health history and physical exam. In your audio narration, explain one way these social determinants of health might impact the ability to access, promote, or maintain health and well-being for each social determinant of health.

Learning Objective 2.3: Assess how social determinants of health impact health and well-being.

Presentation audio narration does not adequately explain one way these social determinants of health might impact the ability to access, promote, or maintain health and well-being for each social determinant of health.

Presentation audio narration adequately explains one way these social determinants of health might impact the ability to access, promote, or maintain health and well-being for each social determinant of health.

Presentation audio narration thoroughly explains one way these social determinants of health might impact the ability to access, promote, or maintain health and well-being for each social determinant of health.

Support your responses with scholarly resources.

Presentation does not include a reference slide with supporting sources. Presentation includes a reference slide with supporting sources.

Presentation includes a reference slide with supporting sources that are properly referenced.

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Learning Objective 2.4: Support responses with scholarly resources

Professional Skills Assessment Professional Presentation

Professional Writing and Presentation: Clarity, Flow, and Organization

Content contains significant spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors. Writing does not demonstrate adequate sentence and paragraph structure and requires additional editing/proofreading. Key sections of presented content lack clarity, logical flow, and/or organization.

 Content contains few spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar/syntax errors. Writing demonstrates adequate sentence and paragraph structure and may require some editing. Content presented is satisfactorily clear, logical, and/or organized, but could benefit from additional editing/revision.

Content is free from spelling, punctuation, and grammar/syntax errors. Writing demonstrates appropriate sentence and paragraph structure. Content presented is clear, logical, and well-organized.

Professional Writing and Presentation: Context, Audience, Purpose, and Tone Content minimally or does not demonstrate awareness of context, audience, and/or purpose. Writing is not reflective of professional/scholarly tone and/or is not free of Content demonstrates satisfactory awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free from bias, and style is mostly consistent with the Content clearly demonstrates awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free from bias, and style is appropriate for the professional setting/workplace context.

Professional Writing and Presentation: Originality, Source Credibility, and Attribution of Ideas Content does not adequately reflect original writing and/or paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates inconsistent adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and reference. There are numerous and/or significant errors.

Content adequately reflects original writing and paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates adequate adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references. There are one or two minor errors.Content reflects original thought and writing and proper paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates full adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references.