John Watsons Conditioning Techniques

Reviews can be useful because they allow you to evaluate your learning of the material. This review assesses your understanding of the topics covered in Week Three. The review contains 30 multiple-choice questions and is worth 6% of your course grade. Select the best possible answer for each question. 

You will be allowed 60 minutes to complete the review. Once you open the review, you must finish it in one sitting. You may take the review as many times as you like, until you are satisfied with your score. Read the required resources and review the Instructor Guidance prior to taking the review.

  • Note: this is a timed quiz. You may check the remaining time you have at any point while taking the quiz by pressing the keyboard combination SHIFT, ALT, and T… Again: SHIFT, ALT, and T…

Most English sentences have a subject, a verb, and an object, in that order. An example of this is “Bob caught the ball.” Rules such as these are collectively known as

Question 2 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question  159393

  • Which of the following is one of the underlying principles of cognitive psychology?

Question 3 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question  159399

  • The “k” sound in the words cat, scrap, or ski is an example of one of the _____ of a language.

Question 4 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question 159387

  • Which of these is an example of a fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement?

Question 5 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question 159381

  • As part of the story of Little Albert, John Watson smashed a construction hammer against a steel bar. Little Albert’s crying in response to that sound was a(n).

Question 6 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question 159398

  • According to Bandura, all of the following are required for us to be agents of our own actions, EXCEPT

Question 7 0.2 pts

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  • When baby Frances says, “daaa,” her father says, “Yes, I’m daddy!” Eventually, thanks to her father’s continuous reinforcement, Frances will finally say “daddy.” This gradual development of language is known as

Question 8 0.2 pts

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  • Gus notices that the school bully is very popular, so Gus begins bullying students as well. Gus’s imitative behavior is best explained by the _____ effect.

Question 9 0.2 pts

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  • As a result of John Watson’s conditioning techniques, Little Albert was frightened not only of a white rat, but also of rabbits, fur coats, and Santa Claus’s beard. These fears illustrate

Question 10 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question 159379

  • Which of the following pairs is an important element of behavioristic theories?

Question 11 0.2 pts

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  • Which of the following is an example of symbolic modeling?

Question 12 0.2 pts

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0 multiple_choice_question 159392

  • A peanut is placed in the bottom of a tube in a chimpanzee’s cage. The chimpanzee cannot reach the peanut or manipulate the tube. After trying unsuccessfully to reach in the tube, the chimpanzee suddenly runs to a drinking tube, fills his mouth with water, and spits in the tube until the peanut rises to a reachable level. The chimpanzee has solved this problem through

Question 13 0.2 pts

Edit this Question Delete this Question 0 multiple_choice_question 159389

  • Rick loses his driver’s license after being arrested for driving while intoxicated. This is an example of