N4325 Module 4 Evidence Based Nursing Practice Paper

Instructions For Completing Your Assignment

  • Step one: Using the topic you chose for Module 2 Searching for a Quantitative Nursing article, identify a nursing clinical practice question that you would like to explore.
  • Step two: Complete the readings from Module Four. Use the readings from

Module Four to put your nursing clinical practice question into a PICO format.

  • Step three: Search for a nursing quantitative research article (or two) that relates to your PICO question using Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, Pubmed,

Google Scholar, or any other database that contains nursing research articles. Please note: you may be able to use the article that you submitted in Module Two to meet this requirement.

The article you will find must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  1. It must be based on the topic list attached here.
  2. It must be from a nursing research journal or have a nurse as an author.
  3. It must be no more than 5 years old from the current publication year.
  4. It must include implications and / or interventions that are applicable to nursing practice.
  5. It may not be a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review or a retrospective / quality improvement study. For more information on how to recognize these types of articles see Grove & Gray (2019) pp. 21-23.
  6. It may not be a clinical information article or “how-to” article.

Step four: If you have questions about your PICO question formatting or the nursing quantitative research article that you found, post them to the Q & A discussion board for feedback from your peers.

Self-check: if you choose the wrong type of nursing quantitative research article for your paper (the one that you will be using to write paragraph 2, 3, 4, & 5) the best grade you could make is a 55. Yikes!!! Please make sure that you have selected a nursing quantitative research article that meets the criteria for this assignment and ask for help if you are not sure. Please note: you may be able to use the article that you submitted in Module Two to meet this requirement.

Step Five: Collecting More Evidence (Do the research)

Find a resource published within the past 5 years that provides you with at least two facts (ex. costs, morbidity, mortality, safety, or other related statistics) for why your clinical problem is important (provide statistics). (The internet is a great place to get this information…just don’t forget to cite this information and add it to your reference page).

Find a clinical practice guideline at https://www.ahrq.gov/gam/index.html that relates to your question. It must have information that relates to the role of the nurse. Guideline is the most recent version published within the past five years. (It is true that guidelines are not always updated within 5 years so you will need to discuss this.)

Find a clinical “how-to” article, a nursing professional practice website, a systematic literature review, a meta-analysis, or a manufacturer’s website published within the past 5 years that relates to your practice question.

Hint: Did you notice that you will be finding a total of four different sources of information for your PICO question? To re-cap, these four sources are:

  • Statistics you are reporting in paragraph one.
  • Nursing quantitative research article for paragraphs 2, 3, 4, and 5
  • Clinical Practice Guideline (paragraph 6
  • A source of your choosing (paragraph 7)

Step Six: Write up your findings in APA format and submit them to the assignment portal by the due date and time listed in your syllabus. Here’s how to write up your findings:

Start with a UTA CONHI approved cover page.

  • Paragraph #1: This is your opening paragraph. Start with an introduction statement. What is your PICO question? Describe why was it important (share the dollars, morbidity / mortality, statistics, safety stats you found with citation)?
  • Paragraph #2: What did your nursing quantitative research article add to your knowledge on this topic? Share at least three facts (two must be from the Results or Discussion sections) that you found within the article in this paragraph that is relevant to your PICO question and your practice as a nurse.
  • Paragraph #3: Define reliability as it is used in your textbook. Critique the reliability of the nursing quantitative research article you used. Go back to what you learned in your article critique about measurement methods and data collection in Module 3 to make sure you are being thorough in your assessment.

Use Table 10-1 in your textbook to identify the type of reliability for your measurement instrument / tool. Be specific, so that your instructor, if reading the article, can find them too.

  • Paragraph #4: Define validity as it is used in your textbook. Critique the validity of the nursing quantitative research article you used. Go back to what you learned in your article critique about measurement methods, and data collection to make sure you are being thorough in your assessment.

Use Table 10-1 in your textbook to identify the type of validity for your measurement instrument / tool. Be specific, so that your instructor, if reading the article, can find them too.

  • Paragraph #5: Using the skills you have learned in your critique of a research article, describe two strengths or two weaknesses (or one strength and one weakness) that you found as you read this article. 

Go back to what you learned in your article critique about sampling methods, measurement methods (ex. questionnaires), and data collection(how did they collect the data to make sure you are being thorough in your assessment.

Be specific, so that your instructor, if reading the article, can find them too. Do not re-state the limitations provided by the authors of your study unless they have to do with the study’s sampling, measurement methods, or data collection. 

Do not discuss the descriptive or inferential statistics used by the authors as a strength or weakness of the study, as this is not related to the study’s sampling, measurement methods, or data collection.

  • Paragraph #6: What is the name and website of the clinical practice guideline that you found? Share at least three facts that you found within the guideline that is relevant to the PICO question and your practice as a BSN nurse and cite the guideline appropriately.
  • Paragraph #7: Identify the fourth resource you found (clinical “how-to” article, a nursing professional practice website, a systematic literature review, a meta-analysis, or a manufacturer’s website) that relates to your practice question. Share at least three facts that you found within this source that is relevant to the PICO question and your practice as a nurse, and cite appropriately.
  • Paragraph #8 (and #9 if needed): re-state your PICO question and briefly summarize what you have learned through your search. What would you recommend, if anything, as a change in practice for nurses? Why? Remember, this is your closing paragraph(s).

Note to students about writing up your findings:

  • This is a formal APA paper. Look at the Rubric for more APA information for this paper
  • Don’t forget to use your APA resources that were reviewed in Module Two!
  • Don’t forget to use the Module Four discussion board for additional questions about your paper.
  • turn your paper (as a word document) and article (in pdf format) that you used for paragraphs 2, 3, 4, & 5 into the assignment submission link in Module Four at the due date and time listed in your syllabus.
  • Possible points for this assignment: 100 points

The topic I chose for Module 2 was the The Effect of Intensive Education On Urinary Incontinence Following Radical Prostatectomy: I have sent you the attached article

N4325 Nursing Research – Module 4 Reading Worksheet

Instructions to the student: The reading worksheets are designed to assist you as you review the assigned readings in your Groove and Gray (2019) textbook for this module. Read the assigned pages below, and answer the following questions.

Chapter One: Introduction to Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice: pp 3 – 4

  • What is the definition of evidence-based practice?
  • Describe the three key elements that are included in the definition of EBP?

Chapter One: Introduction to Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice: pp 11

From what sources do we acquire knowledge in nursing (hint: there are 8 of them)? These sources often provide a foundation for evidence-based practice questions that nurses create.

List and describe these sources.

  • Quantitative and qualitative research offer information that is very useful to evidence based practice.

Chapter Thirteen: Building an Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

There are many strategies that are used to synthesize research evidence. Listed below are four types of articles that you can find that synthesize research evidence. From pages 394 – 414, describe the purpose of each of these and what types of research are included in them:

  • Systematic review
  • Meta-analysis
  • Metasummary / metasynthesis
  • Mixed methods systematic review

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as the conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values and needs in the delivery of quality, cost-effective health care (Grove & Gray, 2019). In order to build an evidence-based nursing practice, you have to choose to integrate the best research evidence into your clinical practice.

You can do this by going to school to continue your education, participating in continuing nursing education (CNE) activities, or joining a nursing professional organization. You could choose to read a nursing journal related to your nursing specialty on a regular basis. You could get involved with a journal club or an evidence-based practice council where you work. But the question still remains: “How do you choose to integrate the best research evidence into your practice?”

Often, changing your practice begins with an idea based on our knowledge and experience, which eventually forms itself into a question.

  • “How often should we change the syringes that we use to give meds through a patient’s NG tubes?”
  • “What O2 set goal is the best for beginning to wean oxygen from our pediatric asthmatic patients?”
  • ”What nursing interventions would be most effective for faster removal of foley catheters?”

Searching for information happens more easily when you ask a good question! This is where the PICO format becomes helpful. Take a few minutes to read about PICO questions in Grove and Gray (2019) on page 414 – 425. Your relevant clinical question or “high priority topic” will need to be translated into a format that is easily searchable and contains all of the important elements. Using the PICO format (explained below) will help us to do this.

The elements of a PICO format:

  • P: identifying the population or participants of interest or the problem
  • Example: hospitalized adult med-surg patients
  • I: what is the intervention needed for practice? This could include: treatments, medications, education, diagnostic tests or best practice(s).
  • Example: turning every patient every two hours
  • C: Is there a comparison with other interventions? This may not be applicable if your question is asking “What is the best practice for…”
  • Turning only those with a Braden score of 13 or less
  • O: what is the outcome you are trying to achieve? State this in measurable terms or expected outcomes based on the intervention identified.
  • prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers in patients with no documented pressure ulcers on admission.
  • Putting a PICO statement together:
  • Will turning all hospitalized adult med-surg patients every two hours prevent the occurrence of pressure ulcers in patients with no documented pressure ulcers on admission as opposed to turning only those patients with documented Braden scores of 13 or less?
  • What are the current best practices for confirming nasogastric tube placement in neonatal patients prior to PRN use?

Module 4: Evidence Based Practice Project: Finding The Evidence Submit by the due date and time listed in your syllabus.


This assignment will allow you to create an evidence-based practice project that includes the development of a PICO question and follows the initial steps of the Iowa Model. You will share your findings using an APA formatted paper.

Submitting your assignment

  • Save this document to your desktop as a Word document.
  • Open the document from your desktop and review the assignment instructions and grading rubric.
  • Create a separate Word document for your paper.
  • Return to the course and upload your paper and your nursing research article that was approved by your coach in Module 2 to the assignment submission link in Module Four.
  • Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper.

Grading Rubric

  • Use this rubric to guide your work the assignment. Points are awarded for each section based on content and clarity of expression.