NRNP 6645 Week 6 Supportive And Interpersonal Psychotherapy Papers

Amelia, a 16-year-old high school sophomore, presents with symptoms of weight loss and a very obvious concern for her weight. She has made several references to being

“fat” and “pudgy” when, in fact, she is noticeably underweight. Her mother reports that Amelia is quite regimented in her eating and that she insists on preparing her own meals, as her mother “puts too many fattening things in the food” that she cooks. After discovering that during the past 3 months

Amelia has lost 15 pounds and is well under body weight for someone of similar age/sex/developmental trajectory, the psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner diagnosed Amelia with anorexia nervosa.

Evidence-based research shows that clients like Amelia may respond well to supportive psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy. So which approach might you select? Are both equally effective for all clients? In practice, you will find that many clients may be candidates for both of these therapeutic approaches, but factors such as a client’s psychodynamics and your own skill set as a therapist may impact their effectiveness.

This week, you continue exploring therapeutic approaches and their appropriateness for clients, focusing on supportive psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy.

Learning Objectives Students will:

  • Assess knowledge of concepts, principles, and theories related to psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups

Learning Resources

  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.)
  • Nichols, M., & Davis, S. D. (2020). The essentials of family therapy (7th ed.). Pearson.
  • Chapter 5, “Strategic Family Therapy”
  • Chapter 11, “Solution-Focused Therapy”
  • Chapter 12, “Narrative Therapy”
  • Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2020). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing.
  • Chapter 3, “Assessment and Diagnosis” (pp. 123–134 only) § Chapter 5, “Supportive and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy”
  • Review the sections on supportive psychotherapy only.
  • Chapter 10, “Interpersonal Psychotherapy”

Exam : Midterm Exam Latest Questions

This exam is a test of your knowledge in preparation for your certification exam. No outside resources—including books, notes, websites, or any other type of resource—are to be used to complete this exam. Prior to starting the exam, you should review all of your materials. You are expected to comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct.

This exam will cover the following topics, which relate to psychotherapy with individuals, families, and groups:

  • Biological basis of psychotherapy treatments
  • Influences of culture, religion, and socioeconomics on personal perspectives of psychotherapy treatments
  • Legal and ethical considerations among individual, family, and group modalities of therapy
  • Family assessment
  • Group therapy techniques
  • Psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Cognitive-behavior psychotherapy
  • Supportive and interpersonal psychotherapy

By Day 7

Complete the Midterm Exam. There is a 2-hour and 30-min time limit to complete this 100-question exam. You may only attempt the exam once.

NRNP6645 Midterm Exam Questions

Question 1

The nurse psychotherapist realizes that “true presence” in a therapeutic relationship involves which of the following? Check all that apply.

  1. Listening to what is important to the patient.
  2. Listening to what the meaning of a situation is at the moment.
  3. “Being with” the patient rather than “doing to” the patient.
  4. Acceptance, nonjudgmental attitude and empathy.

Question 2

Common ancestry through which individuals have evolved shared values and customs is known as which of the following?

1) Culture

2) Ethnicity

3) Cybernetics

4) Constructivism

Question 3

Which of the following are consistent with findings related to levels of cohesiveness in groups?

I.            The higher the overall levels of cohesiveness are associated with significantly better total outcome than groups with low cohesiveness.

II.          Group members with little sense of belonging or attraction to a group are unlikely to have a negative outcome.

III.         The attraction to the group is a powerful determinant of outcome.

IV.        A and C

Question 4

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse psychotherapist is informed by the managed care company that authorization for additional treatment with a patient has been denied. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is concerned stopping treatment will jeopardize the patient’s safety and realizes which of the following are ethical options?

A.   It is incumbent on the therapist to ensure that treatment continues.

B.   Stop treatment immediately.

C.   Attempt to work out a payment plan with the patient.

D.   A and C

Question 5

Which of the following is not consistent with current research related to psychotherapy and psychotropic medication?

A.   Research suggests that psychotherapy enhances the effects of psychotropic medication.

B.   Studies comparing medication with psychotherapy found both produce similar physiological changes in the brain.

C.   Studies comparing medication with psychotherapy found both produce physiological changes but brain changes are different for medications than for psychotherapy.

D.   Research suggests psychotropic medications may interfere with the learning that takes place during psychotherapy.

Question 6

Diverting conflict between two people by involving a third is known as the concept of:

A.   Emotional reactivity

B.   Relationship triangles

C.   Differentiation of self

D.   Enmeshment

Question 7

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse helps the patient to identify and name feelings, focus on somatic sensations associated with emotions, and encourages use of metaphor to describe feelings. This is consistent with which basic strategy of supportive psychodynamic therapy?

A.        Make connections

B.        Decrease alexithymia

C.        Encourage patient activity

D.        Maximize adaptive coping mechanisms

Question 8

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions focus on

A.   The person’s relationships and family dynamics

B.   The person’s thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors

C.  The person’s understanding of how the past gets triggered and plays out in the present

D.  The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma

Question 9

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse realizes which of the following regarding workbook exercises in therapy?

A.Workbook exercises are only an adjunct to treatment.

B.  Workbook exercises simplify the real work in therapy.

C.  Treatment manuals consistently correlate positively with treatment outcome.

D.Use of workbook exercises and approaches promotes creativity and flexibility in the therapeutic process.

Question 10

Role play in the context of the therapy session is an example of which of the following behavioral techniques:


B.  Behavioral rehearsal

C.  Contingency management

D.  Cognitive restructuring

Question 11

Psychodynamic psychotherapy interventions focus on which of the following?

A.          The person’s thoughts beliefs and behaviors

B.          The person’s relationships and family dynamics

C.         The person’s emotions and thoughts, deepening understanding of triggers from the past played out in the present.

D.         The person’s body, beliefs, images, and emotions to process trauma

Question 12

In a family session a teenager whose parents deny him a night out states angrily “See they never let me do anything!” The advanced practice psychiatric nurse using a Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy framework recognizes this as cognitive distortion known as:

A.  Labeling and mislabeling

B.  Overgeneralization

C.  Personalization

D.  Magnification and minimization

Question 13

Which of   the   following   is not consistent with the resilience model proposed by


A.   This resilience model is based on neurophysiology.

B.   The resilience zone in an internal state of adaptability and flexibility.

C.   We feel our best when we have a strong sympathetic system to regulate emotions.

D.   We feel our best and deal effectively with life when we are in our resilience zone.

Question 14

The capacity to be alone is known as which of the following?

A. Oneness

B. Autonomy

C. Independence

D. Object constancy

Question 15

Cross-cultural research supports which of the following?

  1. Culture determines what is considered a psychiatric disorder

B.  Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma are consistent across cultures

C.  Neurobiological mechanisms linked to stress and trauma vary across cultures

D.  A and B

E.  A and C

Question 16

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is meeting with a patient who in the process of an unwanted divorce. The patient endorses persistent suicidal ideations, with strong intent. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse recognizes the patient is at high suicide risk and recommends which of the following?

A.  Develop a crisis plan and give emergency numbers.

B.  Hospital psychiatric admission and suicide precautions.

C.  Refer to intensive outpatient therapy and give emergency numbers.

D.  Develop a no-suicide contract and provide emergency numbers.

Question 17

Optimal   family   development   is   thought   to   take   place   in   which   of   the   following


A.    Family members are differentiated, anxiety is low, and partners maintain emotional contact with their own families.

B.    Family members lack differentiation, anxiety is low, and partners maintain emotional contact with their own families.

C.    Family members are differentiated, anxiety is moderate, and partners reduce emotional contact with their parents and siblings.

D.    Family members lack differentiation, avoid anxiety and partners avoid emotional contact with parents and siblings.

Question 18

The aim in relational psychodynamic therapy is which of the following?

A. Make the unconscious conscious

B. Resolve ruptures in the therapeutic alliance.

C. Provide interpretation based on past experiences

D. Provide interpretation of wish/defense conflicts.

Question 19

Evidence based guidelines for patient treatment are based on which of the following?

A.  Consensus of expert panel

B.  Systematic reviews of case studies.

C.  Systematic reviews of randomized controlled studies (RTC).

D.  A and C

Question 20

Staff in an independent living facility notice that Mr. Smith, a 75-year-old male resident, is alone most of the time and seems to have alienated most of the other residents and staff. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse understands that from Erikson’s psychosocial stages perspective he is dealing with which psychosocial stage of development?

A. Intimacy vs. isolation

B. Ego integrity vs. despair

C.   Generativity vs. stagnation

D.   Autonomy vs. alienation

Question 21

According to Peplau’s Interpersonal Relations Model for nursing, a cornerstone for the psychotherapeutic process is understanding, assessing, and managing which of the following?

1. Anger

2. Anxiety

3. Resilience

4. Holism


Which of the following is consistent research related to resilience and posttraumatic growth?

A. Resilience and posttraumatic growth are inversely related.

B. There  is a  curvilinear relationship between posttraumatic growth and resilience.

C.  Moderate resilience and emotional intelligence is associated with the most growth.

D. All of the above

Question 23

We   all   have   preconceptions   that   are   brought   into   every   situation.   As   a   nurse psychotherapist: Is it important to do which of the following?

A.   Eliminate all preconceptions before meeting with the patient.

B.   Always be transparent with the patient regarding any preconceptions.

C.   Be aware of preconceptions, what they are and how they influence our work.

D.   Discuss preconceptions you have with the patient as others likely have similar preconceptions about the patient.


The CBT therapist works with a patient who is distraught because they did not get a job they really wanted. The individual is helped to identify how to use what appears to be a negative situation to his or her advantage. This technique is known as which of the


A. Cognitive rehearsal

B. Paradox or Exaggeration

C. Turning Adversity to Advantage

D. DE catastrophizing

Question 25

Which of the following best describes the difference between standards of care and practice guidelines?

A.   Practice guidelines are legally binding while standards of care are not.

B.   Standards of care are legally binding while practice guidelines are not.

C.   There is no difference between standards of care and practice guidelines.

D.   Practice guidelines should be followed as written while standards of care are more flexible.


Which of the following types of questions is not one the seven basic types of questions in Socratic dialogue?

A. History questions

B. Memory questions

C.   Analysis questions

D.   Application questions

Question 27

A patient comments at the end of their group therapy how important it was for them to have observed the improvement of others. This is consistent with which of Yalom’s

therapeutic factors?

A. Altruism

B. Universality

C. Instillation of hope

D. Imparting of information

Question 28

A Hispanic woman whose mother recently died reports that she continues to hear the voice of her deceased mother. The advanced practice psychiatric nurse considering the woman’s Hispanic culture determines which of the following?

A.         The woman is likely grieving according to her Hispanic social norms.

B.         The woman is psychotic as Hispanic people tend to somaticize conflicts.

C.         The woman is psychotic and needs to be hospitalized for further evaluation.

D.         The woman is clearly psychotic, and the advanced practice psychiatric nurse prescribes an antipsychotic medication.

Question 29

Recognizing that many factors may have contributed to a patient’s current situation is an example of which of the following?

A.   Biomedical model

B.   Psychosocial framework

C.   Overdeterminism

D.   Resiliency

Question 30

The power of family therapy comes from

A. Focusing on dysfunctional emotions

B. Ignoring dysfunctional emotions

C.   Bringing parents and children together to transform their interactions.

D.   Clearly identifying fault and restructuring

Question 32

In relational psychodynamic psychotherapy the therapist helps the patient with which of the following?

A.              To understand the patient’s impact on others.

B.              To deepen the patient’s understanding of others.

C.              Both A and B

D.              Neither A nor B is consistent with the focus of relational psychodynamic psychotherapy.

Question 33

According to H. Peplau (1991) self-awareness for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse

A.   Is key to understanding others

B.   Increases likelihood the therapist acts out their own agenda.

C Allows for nurse-patient boundaries to be safely ignored to better meet patient needs.

D. Undermines objectivity

Question 34

Common patterns of behavior and experience derived from the settings in which people live is known as which of the following?

A. Race

B. Culture

C. Ethnicity

D. Family structure

Question 35

The advanced practice psychiatric nurse is working with a couple on conflict management. They report during a recent argument the husband threw a plate across the room. Based on the current advances in neuroscience the advanced practice

psychiatric nurse explains:

A. People do things because of what happens in their brain.

B. Biological events cause human actions.

C. One can learn to activate their prefrontal cortex and retrain emotional


D. Biological events always override free will.

Question 36

Family dialogue is encouraged.

A. Genogram

B. Family schema

C. Family drawing

D. Family sculpting

Question 37

The process of a group member benefitting by observing the therapy of another member with similar problems is a phenomenon referred to as which of the following:

A.  Modeling

B.  Spectator therapy

C.  Copy-cat phenomenon


Question 38

Yalom identifies eleven primary factors to describe the therapeutic benefit of group psychotherapy. Which of the following statements is not consistent with these factors? 

A. Therapeutic change is an intricate interplay of human experiences.

B. The distinctions among these factors are well delineated.

C.   The distinctions among these factors are arbitrary.

D.   The factors are interdependent

Question 39

Bowen emphasized the family therapist

A. Remain neutral, focus on content

B. Focus on metacommunication

C. Create a psychodrama

D. Become immersed in the family dynamics

Question 40

When assessing families of a different culture from the therapist for treatment, the therapist should consider which of the following with respect to culture?

A. The therapist should consider the unique subculture of the family.

B.     The therapist should consider assumptions of the larger cultural background of the family.

C. The therapist should ask the family to share their experiences and traditions

D. All of the above