NRNP 6675 Week 2 Study Plan Reflection

Assignment 2: Study Plan

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan that will allow them to feel confident and prepared on the big day. Similarly, if you want to feel confident and prepared for your certification exam, you should create and follow a plan that will thoroughly prepare you for success.

In this Assignment, you will review the study plan that you developed in NRNP 6665, and revise your plan as necessary, which will serve as the road map for you to follow to attain your certification.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth?

The Assignment

  • Revise your study plan summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.
  • Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.

By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your study plan.

Submission and Grading Information

Sample Paper

Learning and teaching require some level of organization. When learning is organized, the human mind comprehends information more effectively. The level of organization may necessitate the development of a study plan and the arrangement of topics in order, with time frames assigned to them to achieve the goal. 

A study plan, according to Kivimäki and Meriluoto (2018), is a chart or a schedule that allows a person to block out the time needed to achieve goals or complete a set of well-defined learning activities. Find below a reflection of a study plan on intellectual disability, which was created in the previous assignment.

Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement

When a weakness in a subject is identified, developing a study plan is the most effective way to maximize one’s learning in that subject. The study plan’s strength, in this case, is that it is individualized, with objectives aimed at assisting one in an area of weakness. The study plan takes into account the fact that each individual is unique, with specific strengths and weaknesses that must be addressed (Aftoni et al., 2021).

Another strength of the study plan is its comprehensiveness – it includes almost all of the relevant and necessary topics on intellectual disability that are within the scope of the student’s learning. Furthermore, the study plan was designed in a simple manner to facilitate reading and learning. There are numerous resources, but there is simply not enough time to study them all.

The study plan ensures that one learns using the best resources and maximizes learning time (Aftoni et al., 2021; Siagian et al., 2019). Despite the study plan’s strengths, I noticed that the time frame for completing each learning activity was not considered, necessitating room for improvement. To improve the efficiency of my next study plan, I would include the time I intend to devote to each learning activity.

Were the SMART Goals Achieved?

Each of the topics listed under intellectual disability in the study plan formed part of the SMART goals. In the case of the DSM V diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability, for example, the SMART goal was to learn the DSM V diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability within the first 30 minutes of the first lesson. 

The SMART goals were met for all of the topics listed in the study plan. However, there are still areas where there is room for improvement. The areas include the condition’s prevalence, the degrees of intellectual disability, and the inclusion of comprehensive questions at the end of the study plan to confirm comprehension of the topic. The omitted areas are tabulated below as the new SMART goals.

New SMART Goals and Tasks to Complete Each Goal

IntentionWhat do you want to achieve?SpecificWho?What?Why?Where?When?MeasurableHow much?How often?How many?Attainable Achievable?RelevantIs it relevant to your ultimate vision?Time-boundWhen?
Learn the degrees ofintellectual disabilityMildModerateSevereProfoundIntelligence quotient (IQ) for each degreeMild: 50-69IQModerate:35-49 IQSevere:20-34IQProfound:<20YesRelevant to practicingas anurse/doctor/psychologistJune13th,2022. First 30 minute s of the next lesson
Learn the prevalence ofIntellectual disabilityGlobal prevalence U.S prevalenceAnswer questions on this topic at the end of the lesson to gauge understandingResources needed to attain the goal: DSMV, scholarly peer-reviewarticles,and a course textbook.The goal is worthwhile for me as a nursingstudent.June13th, 2022, is the second part of the lesson. It willtake 15 minutes.
Learn the role of a psychiatrist in themanagement ofintellectual disabilityPharmacologyNon-pharmacologyAt the end of the lesson, answer questions on this topicResources : Scholarly peer-reviewarticles,course textbookInformation relevant to me as a nurse studentJune14th, the first 20 minute s of the lesson

Measuring progress is an important aspect of learning. At the end of the lessons, I will answer comprehension questions about my SMART goals to assess my understanding.

Each of the three new areas will have five questions, for a total of fifteen. Thereafter, I will use the following scale: 1-5 (poor understanding), 6-10 (good understanding), and 11-15 (excellent understanding). I will be able to identify my strengths and weaknesses as well as areas for improvement by answering the questions.

Resources to Accomplish Goals

The entire course necessitates the use of various study resources. I plan to join an existing study group or form a new one with my friends. We will meet regularly to discuss our learning activities. According to Chang, 2019), study groups encourage members to think creatively and develop strong communication skills, which improve their understanding. 

Aside from the study group, I will review the course materials, including the textbooks and articles, to better understand the subject. In my previous assignment, I used the acronym MMASSCCC to describe the various diagnoses of intellectual disability.

Mnemonics will be used as part of my strategy for easy learning in my next outline. My learning resources will also include reliable online sources and databases for nursing and medical knowledge. Google Scholar, PROQUEST, and MEDLINE are a few examples. The sources provide meaningful research papers from which accurate conclusions can be drawn based on professionally executed experimentation (Horvath, 2018). Multiple resources must be obviously used to achieve a maximum understanding of a subject.


  • Aftoni, A., Susila, I. W., Siti Adiningsih, A., & Hidayatulloh, M. K. Y. (2021). Plan-Do-Review-Share-Happy (Plandoresh) strategy as an effort of developing vocational high school students’ independent learning. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 11(1).
  • Chang, B. (2019). Reflection in Learning. Online Learning, 23(1).
  • Horvath, A. O. (2018). Research on the alliance: Knowledge in search of a theory. Psychotherapy Research: Journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 28(4), 499–516.
  • Kivimäki, V., & Meriluoto, S. (2018). Holistic perspective to Individual Study Plan: Personal Development Project Plan. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 256, 514–526.
  • Siagian, M. V., Saragih, S., & Sinaga, B. (2019). Development of learning materials oriented on problem-based learning models to improve students’ mathematical problem-solving ability and metacognition ability. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 14(2).