Overview: “APA, Plagiarism, & Role Transition Articles”

In the Module 1 Assignment, you will view an APA Module to obtain information about writing in a professional style and in professional formats that are expected at the BSN level of the College of Nursing. After viewing the APA Module, you will submit an Attestation Statement Form. The reference on Scholarly Writing in your Resources will also provide tips on strengthening your professional writing skills.

As part of scholarly writing, you must ensure proper citation for others’ work, including both direct quotations and paraphrased ideas, so you will study a Plagiarism Module for guidelines. Since your professional nursing experience may not have required you to regularly access professional libraries or databases, you will learn and practice the procedures for retrieving research articles. As a part of this assignment, you will select, cite, and summarize two research articles on the role transition from RN to BSN.


Use the following resources as you complete this Application assignment.

APA Modules:

UTA Library formatting guide: click the left-hand side menu under “home” to find resources and examples to help you. Please note, we are using the Professional Paper guidelines.

Purdue Writing Center: _guide/general_format.html

APA official website:

Plagiarism Module: complete this module and use the “Acknowledging Sources Quiz” score for the screen shot instructions in Part 2 of this assignment. (You will use this link for Part 2)

Refer also to your course readings and lectures as you complete the assignment. Performance Objectives

  • Document use of online capabilities to locate APA and Plagiarism Modules.
  • Summarize and cite articles in APA format on the transition to professional nursing.

Use this rubric to guide your work on the Module 1 Assignment, “APA, Plagiarism, & Role

Transition Articles.”After viewing the APA information on page 1, complete the APA Attestation Statement Form.



I _____(YOUR NAME)_______________have gone to the APA module links provided. By entering my name on this form electronically, I attest that I did indeed do the work required of me to meet the assignment of viewing the APA Format Module.

Name: _____________________________

E-mail: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Part 2: Plagiarism Module

  • View the Plagiarism Module slide presentation (the 4th link under Resources on page 1). Click through all the slides, take the quiz, the next-to-last slide in the module displays your score.
  • SPECIAL NOTE: When your score is displayed, use the “Print Screen*” feature of your computer to capture a screenshot, and paste it below: (Do not complete last slide of the presentation entitled “Send Your Score”) Follow the directions below and take a screenshot of the Score Page and paste in the text box below.

Directions for taking a screenshot:

Example: Submit your screen shot as part of your Module 1 Assignments. DO NOT SEND THE SCREENSHOT TO YOUR FACULTY.


 Paste your Acknowledgement Statement here:

Part 3: Articles on Role Transition

NOTE FROM UTA LIBRARIANS: Internet Explorer and Foxfire are the browsers of choice when accessing UTAH’s online Library. You should NOT be accessing UTA E-reserves from your workplace or respective schools as firewall problems will typically prevent you from accessing our campus network.

  • Access the UTA Online Library
  • Search for two articles on the role transition from RN to BSN.
  • For each article, complete the information below.

Article 1 reference: List entry in correct APA format.

  • Brief summary paragraph (in your own words) of approximately 3-4 sentences:
  • Article 2 reference: List entry in correct APA format.
  • Brief summary paragraph (in your own words) of approximately 3-4 sentences:
  • Submit this Assignment Document into Canvas for grading.

Module 2 Assignment: Personal Philosophy Of Nursing (NURS-3345-506 TRANS PROFESSIONAL NURSING UTA)

Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the end of Module 2.

NOTE: You will create a new Word document for this Assignment instead of typing directly into this document. This is the only time in the course you are asked to do this. All other assignments will be submitted on the template.

Overview: “Personal Philosophy of Nursing”

In this module’s Assignment, you will draft a formal paper expressing your personal philosophy of nursing paper. In this paper, you will provide a framework for your personal practice of nursing and reflect on why you chose nursing as a profession. Your paper will define how you interact with patients, family members, other nurses, and other health care professionals.


Performance Objectives

  • Compose a personal philosophy of nursing.
  • Correlate historical, ethical, and/or political factors influencing professional nursing practice with what you believe the core of nursing is and should be.
  • Apply professional practice standards.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association

(APA) format in writing professional papers.

Personal Philosophy of Nursing Paper

  • Use the following outline to guide the composition of your personal philosophy of nursing.
  • Follow both the content and format criteria in completing your composition.
  • Open a new Word document, and save it to your Desktop with the filename, “your name_Personal_Philosophy,” inserting your name in place of “your name.”
  • Begin your paper by setting the margins, font, and Header. (See MS Word Help)
  • Depending on your version of MS Word, there is assistance for APA Format under the Reference header as you are creating your paper. Choose APA 7th Edition.

(See MS Word Help)

  • Click “Save” often to keep from accidentally losing your work.
  • Use the APA links provided above for all APA formatting in all assignments and discussion boards. Contact your Coach if you have additional questions.

Module 3 Assignment: Information Retrieval Paper – Part 1 Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday at the close of Module 3.

Overview: “Information Retrieval Paper – Part 1”

This Module will begin to develop an Information Retrieval Paper. This Assignment focuses on identifying appropriate evidence-based nursing practices related to specific problems you may identify as you work in the healthcare/workplace setting. The goals of an Information Retrieval Paper are to (1) practice using APA format, (2) summarize and examine the strengths and limitations of research articles, and (3) prepare you for the Nursing Research Course where you will write a research paper using the skills you have learned completing this Information Retrieval Paper.

Each week, you are using the template provided, do not create a new word document. As a part of your Information Retrieval Paper, you will begin development of a research question using PICO format. Chapter 9 of the Role Development textbook explains PICO. Be sure to develop your research question and then just below your research question delineate what the P, I, C, and O components of your question are.

For this Module 3 Assignment you will prepare a Title Page in proper APA format for your Information Retrieval Paper, identify three peer-reviewed articles, and summarize each article using APA format.

It may be helpful to look at the outline for the entire paper before you begin this Module’s Assignment. Assignments in this Module plus in Module 4 and 5 will address the Information Retrieval Paper.

Resources APA Modules:

1). UTA Library formatting guide: click the left-hand side menu under “home” to find resources and examples to help you. Please note, we are using the Professional Paper Guidelines.

Performance Objectives

  • Identify a clinical problem in your workplace setting.
  • Develop an appropriate research question using PICO criteria and format.
  • Summarize 3 peer-reviewed, evidence-based articles/literature related to your clinical problem and research question. Articles must have been published within the past 5 years, unless they are a classic source.
  • Use correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format expected in writing professional papers.

Rubric and PICO Format

Use this rubric to guide work on the Module 3 assignment, “Information Retrieval Paper, Part 1.”

Research questions must be stated in PICO format. See Chapter 10 of the Role Development textbook for the formatting. Be sure to address all four PICO components of the question

Preview of Information Retrieval Paper Criteria

In this module’s assignment, you will take the initial steps in composing an Information Retrieval Paper that you will complete in Modules 4 and 5. You are only completing the highlighted red sections this week. Because the assignment will be submitted in sections, you may want to look at the entire paper in the table below, this gives you can overall idea of the 3-part assignment.