Nursing procedures and interventions are founded on nursing and non-nursing theories.
To enhance health care service delivery, nursing has adopted both nursing and non-nursing theories. The application of these theories is found in everyday nursing practice. As such, nursing students must understand the relevance and application of nursing theories and non-nursing theories.Nursing models are developed from an integrated application of nursing and non-nursing theories. Nursing Assignment Acers boasts of experienced writers with in-depth knowledge on the application of nursing and non-nursing theories.
With many years of experience in the field, they are adequately equipped to integrate the two categories to help provide solutions to specific nursing issues.Among the focus nursing theories include need theory, unitary human beings theory, self-care theory, system model theory, interpersonal theory, trans-cultural nursing theory, as well as from novice to expert theory.
Examining the nursing theories versus non-nursing theories help the student to grasp the concepts behind the models used in nursing today. For more insightful knowledge about nursing theories versus non-nursing theories, visit us today.
Essence Of Nursing Theories
Nursing theories guide the nursing practice and enhance the quality of care. They guide the actions of nurse practitioners. Despite their relevance to the nursing profession, nursing theories are not enough to guarantee success in the delivery of quality care.Consequently, some non-nursing theories are integrated with or are applied alongside the nursing theories to promote service delivery. One such theory is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory. This theory operates under the basis that humans are social beings whose actions are motivated by basic needs, need for love and appreciation. The components of the theory include psychological needs, safety needs, desire to belong, self-esteem, and self-actualization.
Ideally, nurses must seek to display their sensitivity to these needs during care. They must develop a care approach and framework that makes the patient feel loved and cared for. The other important non-nursing theory used in the profession is general systems theory. This theory focuses on how to develop a system through the various components. The application of this theory is found in the formulation of a personal care plan.
Theories Examined
A study of the nursing versus non-nursing theories helps a student to understand how nursing models are created. Such knowledge helps the student in identifying the application of these models in various clinical interventions. For instance, the systems theory contributed to the development of the following models: Imogene King’s Systems Interaction Model, Betty Neuman’s Health Care Systems Model, and Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model. Change theory has had a significant contribution to the development of nursing models.
According to this theory, human growth is accompanied by a change in their needs. This change is dynamic, gradual, constant, and not easily noticeable. This theory recommends that the nursing practitioner ought to identify change areas, analysis of forces for and against the change, the ways and methods through which the change manifests, how customs affect the change, how change happens, and the study of the change dynamics.
Development theory, on the other hand, contributes significantly in the formulation of nursing policies, interventions, and personal care plans. According to this theory, the only constant thing in human beings is development. The development process begins at inception and ends only at death. The theory highlights four main areas of development, namely biophysical, psychosocial, physical, and emotional development.
The nursing practitioners are required to take into account all these important areas of development when creating personal care plans. The development theory led to the development of Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Model of Personality Development and Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Model. These two models focus on an individual’s physical and psychosocial development. Yet, while Sigmund’s research centered on physical development, Erik did a lot of research on psychosocial development.
The nursing versus non-nursing theories options have many more items to discuss.Here, we have highlighted only but a few. To get more information about this topic, visit Nursing Assignment Acres. and actively engage our customer service team for more directions and insights. This site has amazing writers with in-depth knowledge on nursing theories and non-nursing theories. They will help you write winning nursing essays on this topic.
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