Philosophy test bank latest

Permalink: a Western philosopher whose commitments to empiricism led him to conclude the self was but a fiction.

A. Immanuel Kant

B. C. J. Ducasse

 C. David Hume

Incorrect D. Thomas Hobbes

E. René Descartes Answer Key: C

Question 2 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 Elmer Sprague declares that “I perceive my perceptions” is .

A. logically impossible

B. part of the materialist view Correct C. an odd thing to say

D. a logically necessary truth

 E. true only because God perceives all perceptions Answer Key: C

Question 3 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 is said to have wrought a Copernican revolution in knowledge. Correct A. Immanuel Kant

B. John Locke

C. George Berkeley

D. David Hume

E. René Descartes Answer Key: A

Question 4 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

 was Socrates’ disciple.

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Parmenides

D. All of the above

Incorrect E. a and b only Answer Key: A

Question 5 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

In the dialogue of the same name, Crito comes to Socrates as his

A. lawyer.

B. teacher.

C. executioner.

Correct D. close friend.

E. student.

 Answer Key: D

Question 6 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

construes the self as an entity whose perceptions are the basis for the reality of physical objects.

A. Idealism

B. Phenomenology

 Incorrect C. Pragmatism

 D. Existentialism

 E. Materialism Answer Key: A

Question 7 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 As Hobbes uses the term, a Leviathan is .

 A. a political despot

 B. a sea monster

 C. an irrational desire

Correct D. a government

 E. a religious myth Answer Key: D

Question 8 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

Inductive reasoning is reasoning that starts with and arrives at .

 A. highly probably knowledge, certainty

 B. causes, effects

 C. facts in the phenomenal world, facts in the noumenal world

 D. relations of ideas, matters of fact

Correct E. specific observations, general probable laws Answer Key: E

Question 9 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 wrote: “Existence precedes essence.”

 A. Plato

 B. Aquinas

 Correct C. Jean-Paul Sartre

D. Aristotle

 E. Albert Einstein Answer Key: C

Question 10 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points) Plato believed the self consisted of .

Incorrect A. reason, spirit, and soul

B. reason, appetite, and desire

C. reason, aggression (emotion), and appetite

 D. id, ego, and psyche

 E. mind, body, and soul Answer Key: C

Question 11 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points) Hume can right be considered to be .

A. an empiricist

B. a rationalist

Incorrect C. a skeptic

D. a transcendental idealist

E. both A and C above Answer Key: A

Question 12 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

   said “If no one asks me, I know what time is; if someone asks and I want to explain it, I do not know.”

J.M.E. McTaggart

Correct B. Saint Augustine

C. J. J. C. Smart

 D. Immanuel Kant

 E. Henri Bergson Answer Key: B

Question 13 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

Maintenance needs are needs associated with .

 A. achieving one’s full potential

 B. having a life that is comfortable

 C. developing one’s mind and emotions

D. securing one’s position in society Correct E. living as a human being Answer Key: E

Question 14 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

Desmond Morris Suggests That Apparently Unselfish Behavior Is Actually A Kind Of Selfish Activity, Aimed At _.

A. satisfying a desire to feel virtuous

B. building a reputation for kindness

C. intimidating others

D. preserving one’s genes

 Incorrect E. All of the above Answer Key: D

Question 15 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

  is the study of what appears to consciousness.

 A. Existentialism

 Correct B. Phenomenology

C. Pragmatism

D. Solipsism

E. Idealism Answer Key: B

Question 16 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points) Descartes applied his method of doubt to

A. the goodness of God

B. sensation

C. mathematical operations Correct D. everything

E. his own existence Answer Key: D

Question 17 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 Plato believed his forms .

 A. must be real

 B. must exist outside the mind

 C. must exist in a transcendent realm

 D. are inaccessible to human senses Correct E. All of the above

Answer Key: E

Question 18 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

For Aristotle, aiming at the mean .

 A. means avoiding both excess and deficiency

B. will promote happiness

 C. will promote moral virtue Correct D. All of the above

E. a and b only Answer Key: D Review

Check to review before finishing (will be flagged in Table of Contents) Question 19 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

The new idealists think that reality is dependent on          .

A. our ideas

Incorrect B. our language

C. our perceptions

D. our system of concepts

E. b and d Answer Key: E

Question 20 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points) The existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre is a

A. Freudian

Correct B. libertarian

C. determinist

 D. compatibilist

 Philosophy test bank latest Answer Key: B

 Question 21 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points) Karma means literally 

Correct A. Action

B. Movement

C. Rightness

 D. Fate

 E. Law Answer Key: A

Question 22 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

The three traditional fields of philosophy are .

 A. religion, ethics, and logic

B. metaphysics, logic, and ethics

 Correct C. epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics

 D. ethics, metaphysics, and religion

 E. metaphysics, epistemology, and logic Answer Key: C

Question 23 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

 The goal of philosophy, called autonomy, is to be .

 A. able to live by a clearly-defined set of principles

B. free of obligations toward other people

C. free to decide for yourself what you will believe

 D. able to choose for yourself how you will act Incorrect E. None of the above

Answer Key: C

Question 24 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 In the United States, at least, philosophy once proceeded as if

 A. Only ancient people did philosophy

B. Only the elite should do philosophy

C. Only the rich should do philosophy

D. Only the wise should do philosophy

Correct E. Only Caucasian males did philosophy

Answer Key: E

 Question 25 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

 Hume’s skepticism includes doubt about the existence of .

 A. ideas

B. impressions

Correct C. the external world

D. time

E. b and d Answer Key: C

Question 26 of 30 Score: 0 (of possible 0.5 points)

Hume distinguishes ideas from impressions on the basis of their .

A. origins

B. clarity and distinctness

C. force and vivacity

D. truth value

Incorrect E. a and b only Answer Key: C

Question 27 of 30 Score: 0.5 (of possible 0.5 points)

Behind the idea of the Turing test is a view of consciousness.