PHOENIX NSG416 All Assignments Papers

NSG 416 Theoretical Development And Conceptual Frameworks

Week 1 Assignment – Theoretical Foundations

Theories are made up of ideas attempting to structure thinking around a specific happening. Your readings for this week introduce the ideas of phenomena, concepts, propositions, and assumptions. This assignment is designed to help you think about those four aspects and explain the connections between each to help strengthen your understanding of the foundations and working parts of theory.

  • Define the following four terms in your own words, citing at least one source: phenomena, concept, proposition, and assumptions.
  • Review your definitions and think of an example from your day-to-day life or your practice experience that includes each of the four ideas.

For example, falls in clinical practice is a phenomenon you encounter. The idea that dementia patients are at greater risk for falls is a related concept. The related proposition is that dementia is related to falling in some way. An underlying assumption is that patients with dementia don’t intend to fall.

  • Explain how all four aspects of your example work together to form the basis for a testable theory.
  • Cite a minimum of two sources in-text and in an APA-formatted reference page or slide.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  1. 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  2. 15- to 20-minute oral presentation with detailed speaker notes
  3. 1,050- to 1,225-word paper Another format approved by your instructor Submit your assignment as attachment.

Week 2 Assignment

Knowing in Practice: Assignment Content

Jean Watson’s influence on nursing practice is significant. As all theorists do, she has a perspective through which she views nursing care and practice. This activity will help frame the guiding principles of University of Phoenix curriculum through the application of theory-based thinking.

  1. Describe the five patterns of knowledge and how they can be applied in nursing practice.
  2. Empirical knowledge (the science)
  3. Esthetic knowledge (the art)
  4. Personal knowing (nurse-patient relationship)
  5. Ethical knowing (what constitutes good actions for that patient)
  6. Emancipatory knowing (socio political considerations)
  7. Summarize the main points of Jean Watson’s theory of human caring, including the 10 curative factors.
  8. Determine how Jean Watson views the following patterns of knowledge:
  9. Empirical knowledge (the science)
  10. Esthetic knowledge (the art)
  11. Ethical knowing (what constitutes good actions for that patient)
  12. Personal knowing (nurse-patient relationship)
  13. Explain which pattern(s) are more evident or easier to apply in Watson’s theory of human caring, citing specific examples to support your explanation.
  14. Reflect on how you may (or do) use caring science in practice and cite a practice scenario in which you could or do apply the theory to patient care.

Cite a minimum of two sources in text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references, depending on how you format your assignment.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 1,050- to 1,225-word paper

Another format approved by your instructor

Week 3 Assignment

Theory, Practice, and Research

Analyze Benner’s novice to expert theory. Your analysis should include the following:

  1. Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview
  2. Explanation of the underlying assumptions
  3. Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses
  4. Application strategies for clinical practice

Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice

Cite a minimum of three sources in-text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references, depending on how you format your assignment.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 1,050- to 1225-word paper Another format approved by your instructor Submit your assignment as attachment.

Week 4 Assignment – Theory-Guided Practice

Use the six criteria from this week’s readings from Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice (Chapters 5 and 7) as a guide for this assignment. You can access these readings directly by using the Theory-Guided Practice Readings Link directly below this assignment entry.

Select a practice/clinical setting.

Use the following six criteria to select a theory appropriate for the setting you chose:

  • Clinical setting
  • Origin of the theory
  • Paradigms as a basis for choice
  • Simplicity
  • Patient’s needs
  • Understandability

Explain what practice or clinical setting you chose, how the six criteria helped you choose, and why the selected theory is well suited to it.

Cite a minimum of two sources in text and include a page or slide with APA-formatted references.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 15- to 20-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 15- to 20-minute oral presentation with detailed speaker notes
  • 1,050- to 1,225-word paper

Week 5 Assignment – Theory–Practice Gap

Assignment Content

Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice discusses the theory-practice gap in detail in many chapters. As you’ve read throughout the course, there is ongoing discussion about the connection between theory and practice, and the application in day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is designed to illustrate that although there may be a gap, other factors play an important role in decision-making and each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience are integral to well-rounded patient care.

Access Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice and review Figure 1.4

Correlation: education, science and practice, by clicking the Theory–Practice Gap Readings Link directly below this assignment entry.

Think of a scenario in which theory, research, and practice interact to create good patient outcomes.

Create a visual representation of the theory-practice relationship or gap by replacing the text in the Theory-Practice Gap diagram template.

Write a minimum of 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation following the diagram.

  1. Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard.
  2. Explain the relationship between the three and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario.
  3. Explain any gaps, such as a lack of research, no practice standard, or no usable theory.
  4. Determine the best course of action for making decisions in the absence of one aspect.
  5. Include documentation of the practice guideline or standard, and your corresponding research, evidence, or literature example.

Cite your research and practice guidelines in-text and on the references page at the end of the template.

Submit your assignment as attachment.