Reflective Assignment on Aboriginal People
● Time in the health professional curriculum devoted to the promotion of student self-awareness and well-being is time well spent.
● As a health professional, if I needed more information about a person’s culture to provide a service, I would feel comfortable asking the person or one of their family members.
● I need to think beyond the individual when considering Aboriginal health issues.
Describe and explain your response (agree or disagree or remain neutral) to these statements and consider how the unit content so far has influenced your response. Consider an alternative view and the reasons why other people may have given a different response to you. The focus on your reflection should be how this new knowledge about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health and wellness has or will impact on how you deliver care in your career.
You may refer to the unit texts, videos or resources as background to your learning but you will need to be specific about which module, chapter or resource influenced your response.
You also need to support your reflection using journal articles, books or audio-visual sources (professional documentaries by credible sources) that are not in the unit content but they must be able to be located via an active web link and properly referenced. You do not need to use Gibbs reflective cycle or other frameworks for your writing but it will help you if you consider the “What?, So what?, now what?” framework as provided in the first tutorial activity.
Write approximately 300 words for each item.
You may write in first person if you wish but sentence structure, spelling and grammar must be in academic style.
Do not include an Introduction or Conclusion. For example:
● Pineapple is an inappropriate topping for Pizza
My initial response to the above statement was that I disagreed with the concept of pineapple being an appropriate pizza topping. This is because fruit is generally sweet (reference) and pizza is generally savory (reference). In my cultural background, foods that are sweet and foods that are savory are generally eaten separately (reference).
However, when I watched the video, Traditional ways of making Pizza (reference), I was encouraged to consider a different perspective. I was surprised to see people enjoying a variety of fruit toppings on their pizza and this challenged me to try pineapple on pizza and to incorporate this new knowledge into my future ways of cooking.
Referencing learning materials:
1) if possible, refer to the main source e.g. if the lecturer or tutor refers to a book, video or article
2) be specific – don’t say “I liked lecture 2 it was interesting”, rather say: The concept of enculturation was discussed in lecture materials for module 2 (Garvey, 2020)
3) For the end text reference for a lecture – use the format
● Author (Garvey, D, Schultz, B or McCullough, K ),
● date (2020 for all materials because that was when the unit was written),
● then the title of the lecture “Culture” or “Tutorial Activities module 2”
● For the publisher write ” NUM2308, Edith Cowan University”
It might not be perfect APA style but is ok for the purposes of this reflection.
Assessment Description | Reflective piece |
Value | 30% |
Team or Individual | Individual |
Format | Length: 1000 words (plus or minus 10%). Use headings provided below. Your reference list must contain a minimum 7 references, 7 years old or less, from a mixture of unit lectures/content, journal articles, books and credible websites (e.g. Australian Indigenous health info net).Remember to reference individual chapters of edited books e.g. Biles and Biles. |
You need to reflect on these three statements and agree or disagree and explain mainly Aboriginal people and their culture.