Week 3 Assignment 1 Quality Improvement Process FADE Model
NURS 4221
Quality improvement process involves an entire team, not just one person, manager, or nurse can change anything. With change for the best, it takes a team approach. Once the problem. Quality Improvement Process;
NURS 4221 Week 4 Assignment 1 (Walden)
Applying The FADE Model
For the problem that I will be addressing using the FADE process, pain management in the terminally ill, I will be considering the aspects previously stated and giving an explanation as to why it will work.

The process of FADE was selected to help to analyze and implement a plan that could change the score on the satisfaction survey to indicate that the patients who were dying were without pain. The FADE model is an advancement of the original PDSA/PDCA improvement cycle (Spath, 2013). The steps of the model are focus, analyze, develop, and execute.
The topic that I chose for this paper is the management of pain for terminally ill patients.
Measurable Quality Indicator, Pain Management in the dying Patient
The quality indicator that I have chosen is pain management in the dying patients. Quality indicators were developed by the American Nurses Association (ANA), taking the reports,
The Management of Pain in the Terminally Ill Patient
The purpose of this paper is to note that we do have a problem with patients who are dying and the families reporting that they had pain when dying and finding measures to increase
Literature Review
- Use of Opioids and Sedatives at End-of-Life
- Perspectives of Asians living in Texas on pain management in the last days of life
- Evaluation of Therapeutic Choices for the Treatment of Pain in the Terminal Oncologic Patient Before and During Hospice Admission
- Limits and Responsibilities of Physicians Addressing Spiritual Suffering in Terminally Ill Patients
- Pain relief, spiritual needs, and family support: Three central areas in intercultural palliative care
Applying the FADE Model
Quality improvement process involves an entire team, not just one person, manager, or nurse can change anything. With change for the best, it takes a team approach. Once the problem has been identified, a process then forms to find the best action to locate and fix the problem (Spath, 2013).
Performance improvement being the last phase for the quality management (Spath, 2013). An improvement team is formed, which is composed of people that are the most familiar with the processes that are being evaluated (Spath, 2013). Once the improvement project is underway, everything that affects the performance is closely monitored (Spath, 2013).
After finding out the problem and before change can take place the improvement team must find out where, when, and why the issues/problems occur so the most effective solutions can be put in place (Spath, 2013). To ensure the best practices are put into place the team will use analytic tools to investigate the order of and pick the interventions that will be most successful with the end results (Spath, 2013).
I chose the FADE model for the use of the quality improvement (QI) initiatives which include the cyclical process (Giardino, 2016). This model can work for all types of performance problems (Spath, 2013). The FADE model for the performance improvement is an integration of the original PDSA/PDCA cycle of development (Spath, 2013).
With using the FADE model the QI team utilizes a four-step process which involves using a repetitive approach, it repeats the steps repeatedly to evaluate how well the plans that have been put into action are going and what are the impacts that are taking place in the changes of the system (Giardino, 2016).
There are four steps of the FADE model which are called the focus, analyze, develop, and execute phases (Spath, 2013). The focus phase is where you choose a problem and write out a statement explaining it (Spath, 2013). Analyze is the phase where you learn more about the problem but obtaining data about the performance that is being questioned (Spath, 2013).
The Development phase is coming up with a solution for the problem and planning for implementing the solution that you come up with (Spath, 2013). Finally, the phase to execute which is putting the plan into action and monitoring the results and adjusting the plan if needed (Spath, 2013).
The FADE model of the performance improvement is helpful for looking at a problem, analyzing the issue and the causes of it, making and putting in place a solution, and monitoring the success; then repeat until the progress is where it should be (Spath, 2013).
- Spath, P. (2013). Introduction to healthcare quality management (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
- Giardino, E. R. (2016). QUALITY IMPROVEMENT. Evaluation of Health Care Quality for DNPs.