Capstone Project Goals in UTI Prevention

My capstone topic is to prevent UTI in a critical care setting.

1. Post first draft of Capstone Project goals, content outline, and strategies for critique and input by colleagues. (Citation and references) and posting article synopsis (on UTI) defining key words and how the article will relate to the chosen are of interest.

2. Also attach two peers posts which need 5-6 sentence reply each. (YOU CAN USE ATTACHED AS AN EXAMPLE)

● Develop and refine Capstone Project objectives, content outline, and implementation/presentation strategies

● Decide on Capstone Project design

● Develop a draft of Capstone Project

● Select 3 peer reviewed articles addressing chosen focus area

● Include cultural/spiritual influences on Capstone project

Workplace Conflict


■ By the end of the presentation, 75% of the audience will be able to name resource depletions which may contribute to conflict in the workplace

■ By the end of the presentation, 100% of the audience will be able to give original examples of the benefits to their “in-group”.

■ Within 1 month of the presentation, 100% of the managers in the audience will analyze their own behaviors for improvement in communication and role modeling. The managers will recite 3 improvements they will make by the end of the month.


■ Individual conflict factors- stress, depression, distraction

■ Individual responses to conflict- constructive vs. destructive

Work stress as a source of patient error- effects of conflict on outcomes

■ Creating a safe space- factors that affect staff morale and openness during times of conflict

■ How does each “in group” staff member define the problem or conflict?

■ Intergroup conflict factors- “in group” vs. “out group” mentality

■ Positive conflict management vs. negative conflict management

■ Integrated style conflict management

■ Managing conflict through modeling Strategies:

■ PowerPoint Presentation

■ Videos

■ Simulation- group participation!

■ Lecture

■ Demonstration

■ Guided Questions References:

● Al Hamdan, Z., Labrague, & McEnroe-Petitte, D. (2018). An integrative review on conflict management styles among nursing professionals: implications for nursing management. Journal of Nursing Management. Vol. 26(8), 902-917.

● Ozkan Tuncay,F., Sevimligul, G., & Yasar, O. (2018). Conflict management styles of nurse managers working in inpatient institutions: the case of Turkey. Journal of Nursing Management. Vol. 26(8), 945-952.

● Kim, W., McNulty, J., & Nicotera, A. (2015). Nurses’ perceptions of conflict as constructive or destructive. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 71(9), 2073-2083.

● Stecker, M. & Stecker, M. (2014). Disruptive staff interactions: A serious source of inter-provider conflict and stress in health care settings. Issues in Mental

Health Nursing. Vol. 35(7), 533-541.

● Gerardi,D. (2015). Conflict engagement: Workplace dynamics. American Journal of Nursing. Vol. 115(4), 62-65. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000463034.03378.e3

● Gerardi, D. (2015). Conflict engagement: Collaborative processes. American Journal of Nursing. Vol. 115(5), 11. DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000465043.48286.13

● Almost, J., D’Souza, C., McCormick, L., Stewart-Pyne, A., Strachan, D., & Wolff,

A. (2016). Managing and mitigating conflict in healthcare teams: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Vol. 72, 1490-1505.

● Baron, J., Bohm, R., & Rusch, H. (2018). The psychology of intergroup conflict: A review of theories and measures. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Vol. 31 (3).

● Amdahl, C., Bochatay, N., Buttrick, E., Fehr, R., Frans, E., Khandekar, A., Kim, L., Kim, S., Lee, Y., Mossanen, M., & Relyea-Chew, A. (2017). Individual,

interpersonal, and organizational factors of healthcare conflict: A scoping review. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 31 (3), 282-290.

First Draft Of Capstone Project

Goal: By December 2019, seclusion and restraints incidents will go down 70% in an inpatient psychiatric unit for children and adolescents. Capstone Project Goals in UTI Prevention


● Identify the current percentage of seclusion and restraint (as part of the quarter of the year review), incidents in the children and adolescent unit.

● Identify the incidents of injury that have occurred during code grays in the unit.

● Identify early interventions that staff could utilize to prevent the utilization of seclusion and restraints.

● Identify strategies that children and adolescents could use to communicate their feelings and current mental status to the staff before escalating.

● Identify interventions that are not evidenced-based but are still being used in the unit.

Content outline: Capstone Project Goals in UTI Prevention

● Review the definition of seclusion and restraints.

● Examine factors that leads to seclusion and restraints

● Examine staff members feeling during restraint episodes

● Review the current standards of care when dealing with children and adolescents who are having acute psychiatric crisis

● Review strategies for de-escalating children and adolescent patients during crisis.

● Review the Six Cores Strategies from NADPH

● Discuss the utilization of “Feelings Thermometer” scale


● Videos

● Powerpoint presentation with copies given to participants

● Lecture

● Role plays

● Guided questions Reference:

● Andrassy, B. (2016). Feelings thermometer: An early intervention scale for seclusion/restraint reduction among children and adolescents in residential psychiatric care. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 29(3), 145-147. Retrieved from