Writing a dissertation requires multiple chapters to explore and explain your research and findings fully. One of the most crucial parts of this is the discussion chapter, which serves as the interpretative arena of your study. A well-crafted discussion can distinguish between a merely descriptive thesis and one that contributes to improving healthcare practices.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a dissertation discussion chapter’s key elements, structure and the main steps for crafting a compelling argument.

What Is a Dissertation Discussion Chapter?

In the dissertation discussion chapter, you delve into the meaning, importance, and relevance of your results. It should provide a detailed explanation of the findings and relate them back to the research questions and objectives you set out in the introduction.

This is also where you interpret what these findings mean in the broader context of your field, make recommendations for future research, and identify any limitations in your study.

Dissertation Discussion Structure

A structured approach to writing the discussion chapter helps you comprehensively cover all essential aspects. The structure includes:

Brief summary

At the outset of the discussion chapter, you should summarize your primary research questions, the methodology you used, and the most significant findings. This summary serves as a quick refresher for the reader and sets the stage for the more in-depth discussion that will follow. 

For example, in a nursing dissertation on patient-nurse communication, you might begin by saying, “This research aimed to investigate the impact of effective nurse-patient communication on patient satisfaction in acute care settings.”


Here, you should provide an in-depth analysis that aligns your results with your research questions and hypothesis. In nursing research, for instance, if you find that nurse-led interventions improve patient outcomes in chronic illness, you should discuss why this might be the case, offering interpretations grounded in theory or prior research.


In this segment, you discuss your findings in a broader context. Do your results imply a need for policy change? Could they affect nursing practices or training?

For instance, if your study showed that nurse-led interventions significantly reduced hospital readmissions, this could have implications for hospital policies, resource allocation, or even medical insurance practices.


Every study comes with its limitations, and acknowledging these is vital for the credibility of your research. These could range from methodological limitations to limitations on the generalizability of your findings.

For instance, if your nursing dissertation focused solely on a single geriatric ward in one hospital, this would limit the generalizability of your results.


This is where you can suggest directions for future research or practical applications based on your findings. Continuing with the example of nurse-led interventions, if your study has established that such interventions are effective but have not examined how they compare to physician-led interventions, you might recommend a comparative study as a logical next step.

Main Discussion Steps

These steps help weave together all the elements of your dissertation into a coherent narrative that explains your findings and positions them in the broader context of your field. 

Remind Your Research Questions & Objectives

Begin by reminding the reader of your research questions and objectives, providing a foundation for the discussion.

Example: In a dissertation aimed at understanding the factors contributing to burnout among nursing staff in emergency departments, you could say: “The primary objective of this study was to identify factors contributing to burnout among emergency room nurses.”

Sum Up Key Findings

Your next move is to succinctly sum up the most crucial findings, laying the groundwork for future interpretations.

Example: “Our study found a strong correlation between long working hours and higher levels of burnout among emergency room nurses, along with a significant negative effect of inadequate staffing.”

Interpret the Results

Discuss the implications of your results on your research questions.

Example: “This increase in medication adherence suggests that nurse-led interventions are effective in helping elderly patients manage their medications better.”

Discuss How Your Findings Relate to the Literature

Relate your findings to existing literature in the nursing field.

For example: “Previous studies have shown mixed results regarding the effectiveness of nurse-led interventions on medication adherence. However, our study, which showed a significant improvement, supports the findings of Smith et al. (2020), who found similar results in a smaller cohort of patients.”

Mention Possible Limitations

Every study has its limitations, and it is important to acknowledge them.

For example: “This study was conducted in a single healthcare facility, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other settings. Additionally, the study relied on self-reported medication adherence, which may introduce reporting bias.”

Provide Recommendations for Further Research

Based on your findings and limitations, suggest areas for further research.

For example: “Future studies should aim to replicate these findings in multiple healthcare settings and utilize objective measures of medication adherence, such as pill counts or electronic monitoring devices.”

Conclude Your Thesis/ Dissertation Discussion

End the discussion by summarizing your findings’ implications for the broader nursing and healthcare field.

For example: “The findings of this study suggest that nurse-led interventions can play a crucial role in improving medication adherence among elderly patients, which may lead to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs. Healthcare providers should consider implementing nurse-led interventions as part of their strategies to improve medication adherence in this population.”

Final Thoughts on Writing Dissertation Discussions

In the discussion section, you interpret your findings, tie them back to your research question, and discuss their broader implications for nursing. A well-crafted discussion can transform your dissertation from a mere collection of facts into a compelling narrative that makes a lasting impact.

Are you ready to create a discussion that stands out and meets all academic requirements? Our nursing dissertation writing help professionals will help you develop a discussion that meets academic standards and resonates with your intended audience.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your dissertation truly exceptional. Place your order today, and let’s work together to craft a discussion that does justice to your hard work and research.